Gail J Smith - author of The Primary Years: A Principals Perspective on Raising Happy Kids.
It has always been a great interest of mine which grew into a passion to work closely with families through my role as school principal over twenty nine years. I have been in awe of the fact that a school is such a stable, consistent part of a child and family's journey.
Gail Smith, Author, The Primary Years.
Over the years, I have had the privilege of travelling with more than 2000 families through the education of the children and general support of their families, a journey in some cases of over fifteen years. This is a long time in which to see a family grow with all its joys and varied experiences.
Some time ago I wanted to deepen my understanding of family and to this end I studied counselling, which gave me insight into how the human condition works. It fuelled my desire to work more closely with children through the counselling process. I discovered that the better my relationship with children and families, the better skilled I was as a school principal in providing well being for all.
Having also facilitated parenting courses over the years, I began to recognise that school and home are intrinsically connected in providing the best emotional outcomes for children. In today's world, families need to be given optimum opportunities to grow. The school is a rich environment which can nurture children, giving them foundational tools through emotional and social support.
I hope that my thoughts through this blog, will be useful to busy families who are happy to experiment with different ways to communicate with their children.
It's all about giving the child a sense of self worth, building on success and at all times giving them a sense of pride in their own capabilities.
Academic Qualifications:
Growth Coaching International 2017
Master of Counselling, ACU 2008
Parenting Effectiveness Training Coach 2004
Master of Education Leadership, ACU 2001
Graduate Diploma in Urban Sociology, Swinburne 1982
Bachelor Education State College of Vic 1980