Building a picture of success


Never underestimate the value of simple sticker charts. These can be set up on the fridge at home or anywhere visible to the family. When a child receives a sticker, it is about achieving some success in a goal that you are setting.

Remember, to keep the goal simple and to set up the environment for the child to be successful. A simple coloured sticker goes a long way with reminding children that they are capable of being successful. They also love the visual impact, especially when they see the stickers building in number.

Talking about the growth on the chart is also affirming their ongoing success.

A few tips with sticker charts.

Keep the goal simple. Let them achieve their goal perhaps after a few stickers. Children struggle with long term goals. Celebrate at the end with some agreed rewards. Occasionally, mention how successful they were in achieving those goals.

Children in primary settings are very familiar with setting goals and so this habit will be consistent with how teachers work at school. It is common that at parent teacher chats, children will talk about the goals they set in class and how they are working towards achieving them.

It's all about building a healthy process in being successful.