It's all about the sand and the feeling

Sand is magic! The feeling, the sensation in your hand and the sense of control you have with sand is very satisfying.

I once had a group of year six children ready to graduate who wanted a special day dedicated to themselves just to play in the sandpit! They wanted to keep the child alive in them even though the adolescent in them was present ! Look at the beach and watch how children play happily together for hours, just digging!

A wonderful new product is kinetic sand which can be purchased in children shops everywhere. This product is wonderful for those children who just need space when they are overwhelmed by emotions. Having a sand tray at home will give them the freedom to rest mentally and just be!

These sand trays work very well for children on the spectrum or for those children less able to regulate their emotions. If they are kept in a shallow box they can be readily made available when a child needs that space.

I have proudly kept a small sand tray in my office for quite some time. I find those children needing time to recover from heated emotions looks to it for comfort. A little bit of beach life in my office is a wonderful idea!
