Getting away from the maddening crowds.
Busy families make for busy and noisy times. It is sometimes hard to find that special one on one time with children.
A family operates as a whole unit and how they talk to each other is often done in the group and not one on one. Too may interferences and interactions make it difficult to hear the individual cry of the child. If you are a second or a third child you were born into a noisy family. Sometimes the simple design of the home can make for less chances to talk individually to children.
When I chat to parents who are struggling to identify with some unacceptable behaviour, I make a very simple recommendation. Surprise them! Take them out of school for the afternoon and just spend one on one time with them. Give them this unusual treat and it is quite surprising how they respond. You will be giving them some quality time together that is just special for the two of you.
This approach I recommend often surprises parents, given my role as a Principal. I suspect that the child you will be taking out will not be the first child. Often it is the second or third. Their special time gives them a sense of being heard. Invite them to suggest another way to find some special time together when it is needed.
What's to lose in one afternoon away from school?
One on one can encourage better communication between you and your child.