We all see the world in our own way- thank Goodness for that!

Look at a painting. Talk about it with others around you. Notice how everyone sees the picture in a different way. Some may like it and others may find it quite ordinary. We all see the world differently. Have you ever thought about this in relation to your own child?  As parents, we are quick to make assumptions and what we see and understand is what we believe, the way of the world. It is an adult’s perspective. Keep in mind that our children may see the world and situations quite differently from us. Here is the challenge.

Do we understand and respect that their version of things is quite different? For example, we may be highly critical of what we saw happened, when children were playing and things got rough. Sometimes, a child will not be that upset, as they did not interpret the play, the same way. Therefore, they become confused when we set up discipline that they perceive just doesn’t suit the crime.

A few tips:

  • Check in with your child before disciplining to ensure you understood what happened correctly.

  • Listen to what they have to say about events etc. as you will be surprised how their childlike perceptions are so different and so refreshingly alive.

  • Sometimes just being a child feels good and so joining in their childish ways can be a feel-good experience for yourself. Looking at the world from their eyes can be a wonderful break from being an adult.

  • Given the anxiety present with the pandemic, check in with your child to ensure that they are not overanxious or gathering information that is inappropriate. A child naturally fears and worries about losing their parents. Ensure you understand how they see and interpret the pandemic. Their window on what is happening in the world will be quite different.

  • When you notice how your child interprets different events, incidences, art work etc. notice and enjoy their particular viewpoint on matters. Never presume that your child’s growing perception of life will be on par with your views. There are many influences coming from so many angles that will change their perception.

  • Remember to never understate your child’s perceptions as they will think that their perception is inadequate or wrong. Your child is keen to introduce you to what they see and understand about the world. It keeps evolving as they grow into new experiences. Enjoy the moments!

Affirm their perceptions and gently guide them into the wider picture by introducing new concepts. Above all they are growing and building a foundation of knowledge that shapes their new evolving window into life. Your job is to keep that window open and clear so that they grow with a strong, mature and capable vison, into what makes life so worthwhile for them.

‘The moment you change your perception, The moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.’

-Dr.Bruce Lipton