Do you have a desire or special message you wish to deliver to your children?

This is worth thinking about. We are by nature creatures that have special interests, passions and focuses that are unique and important to all of us. We all have particular values that we wish to pass on to our children in some form. For some of us there are very clear directions that we want to give our children. For others, it can be a case of wanting to expose your child to many and different facets of life allowing them to come to their own decisions. Whatever your direction there will be some wishes you have in mind that you would like and hope your child would adopt. Perhaps you believe strongly in compassion for those less able-bodied. You would like your children to feel that same passion and urge to help others that comes to you so easily.

Remember that they are their own person and for them to deeply reflect on adopting your passions there are certain factors to consider:

  • You are the model. Live with and through your beliefs and your child can examine for themselves if they wish to take them on.

  • Be open to seeing others and their passions. A child will appreciate your values more if they see you have an open mind to other viewpoints and that you are happy to expose them to others’ opinions.

  • Talk about your passions and put them into realistic terms. They will at times give you highs and lows. Passions will challenge you and disappoint you at times. However, demonstrate that you hold strong to them and that will impress your child.

  • Take care not to impose your passions onto your child. Sometimes this can be done subtly and a child will tire quickly of being absorbed into your dreams without feeling any personal control over them.

  • Be patient. Children may disappoint you by rejecting your beliefs and passions. They will go through many stages in their development but ultimately will choose for themselves. You will leave an imprint and if that is a positive image, they are more inclined to adopt your model.

  • When they bring home opposing thoughts and challenge the importance of your passions, simply listen and respect their right to explore different ways and means. This will show them how you respect their right to think differently and you understand that not all the world holds the same truths dear as you.

  • If you want your child to learn about things that are important to you, plant seeds by demonstrating how you live by certain rules etc. Don’t enforce their listening but gently express yourself in ways that demonstrate how happy you are.

  • Let your child know that certain ways of living are important to you and you share them in different ways with your child from time to time. Do not impose your values as a child can grow to resent that behaviour.

Finally, there is an old saying, ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.’ Your child will be strongly influenced by your image and how this image is portrayed in their young lifetime, will determine how much of it is finally adopted.


‘If you don’t pass your values on to your kids, someone else will.’

-Frank Sonnenberg