Be a proactive parent

When you adopt a more proactive style as a parent your child will feel a lot more relaxed when interacting with you. They will also feel optimistic in talking more openly to you and will feel more hopeful that you will be a great listener.

Here are 5 reasons why taking a proactive stand as a parent will benefit your child.


  1.  Building a Strong Connection

    Being proactive strengthens your bond with your child.

    For example, instead of waiting for them to share their day, ask specific questions like "What was the best part of your day?" It shows you're interested and helps build trust. Have an optimistic approach and talk about positive aspects of your day.

  2.  Creating a Positive Environment

    Proactive parenting helps create a happy and positive home. The household is generally more relaxed and invites all kinds of conversations..Everyone feels safe.

    For example, instead of reacting to a messy room, set up a routine to tidy up together. It turns a potential conflict into a positive habit.

  3. Teaching Responsibility

    Being proactive teaches your child to be responsible.

    For example, rather than reminding them about homework every day, create a study schedule together. It helps them take charge of their responsibilities. Think ahead wherever possible.

  4. Nurturing Independence

    Proactive parenting helps your child become more independent. They feel more confident in doing things on their own and trusting in your confidence in them.

    For example, instead of always doing things for them, let them take on age-appropriate tasks. It builds their confidence and independence. Making mistakes seems a normal part  of their efforts.

  5. Preventing Issues Before They Arise

    Being proactive helps avoid problems before they happen. Less problems makes for a happier home.

    For example, instead of waiting for bedtime battles, establish a calming routine. It helps prevent bedtime struggles and ensures a smoother transition to sleep.

    Being a proactive parent is like steering the ship before it hits rough waters. It involves staying ahead of potential challenges, fostering positive habits, and creating an environment where your child can thrive. The more you avoid problems, the less conflict is in the home, and the more peaceful environment is present allowing more creativity and joy.


‘Remember the old saying: Prevention is better than cure.’
Gail J Smith