Being an effective listener and demonstrating justice in the eyes of your children

Many children have an over developed sense of justice when they are young. They simply cannot see how others get away with not following the rules! They can get quite upset and feel that they do the right thing and others do not. Often they have not yet developed strong social literacies and incitefulness. Also they may simply have a strong sense of justice and focus on what is right and wrong.

An excellent way to help them is to resolve matters using a process called restorative practice. This is commonly used in schools.

It can be done simply and it shows your children that you are listening to their concerns. Bring your siblings together and hear the concerns from each child. Then acknowledge that you understand that they have differences. Invite them to articulate what their needs are in this situation. Then invite them to agree on negotiating. This means that they both cannot get what they want but they can compromise on the matter at hand.

If this is an ongoing method used in families, the children soon begin to realise that this is how it works in your home. The children will begin to learn that deep listening and negotiation makes it a win/win for everyone. If they come to understand that this is the process used at home to solve issues they will want to use it so that they have been really heard.

When this method is used often to resolve conflict, the children learn to use the process themselves.

How can anyone argue with someone who listens and is prepared to negotiate. For a child who is heavily into justice, this is the best way forward.
