Make learning innovative and fun 

Make your home and family experiences to educate where possible. Make it light and enjoyable. Recognize that here is a small window of opportunity in which you can do this with your child. You are after all the first educators of your child and how and what you present to them has an impact. Show them that all of life is a learning experience and that it is ongoing.

  1. Make Education Playful:

    Introduce ramification into your child’s learning process. Turn educational tasks into games or challenges. For example, create a scavenger hunt for learning materials or use educational apps that turn subjects into interactive quests. This approach infuses excitement and motivation into their educational endeavors. Make education a fun based occasion where possible. Let them see that learning is all about exciting the imagination and discovering.

  2. Podcasting for Expression and Learning:

    Encourage your child to start a podcast! Podcasting isn’t just for adults; it’s a fantastic way for children to articulate their thoughts, interview experts on topics they're studying, or even create stories and share their discoveries. This not only enhances communication skills but also deepens their understanding of subjects. Using modern ideas such as podcasts excites their imagination and is a contemporary concept.

  3. The Art of Debate and Critical Thinking:

    Introduce your child to the art of debate and critical thinking. Encourage them to voice their opinions on various topics and support them in researching and defending their points. This not only enhances their communication skills but also teaches them to think critically and argue logically. Encourage their different opinions and welcome their critical thoughts. Giving them this freedom of speech is such an independent form of learning and builds self confidence.

  4. Outdoor Classroom and Nature Immersion:

    Take the classroom outdoors! Arrange nature walks, science experiments in the garden, or even art sessions in the park. Nature immersion not only connects children to the environment but also enhances creativity and problem-solving skills. Set up tables and resources that they can use when playing in the a garden.

  5. Home Experiments and Maker Culture:

    Set up a mini laboratory at home! Engage your child in simple  science experiments or arts and crafts projects that foster a sense of curiosity and discovery. The maker culture encourages innovation, problem-solving, and hands-on learning. Do you have a spare room where this can all happen?

  6. International Pen Pals and Cultural Exchange:

    Connect your child with pen pals from different parts of the world. This introduces them to diverse cultures, broadens their global perspective, and enhances their language skills. Precautions should be taken to ensure on line safety ofcourse. Encouraging cultural exchange fosters empathy and understanding. Have you thought of adopting an overseas student for the year?

  7. Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurial Spirit:

    Teach your child about finances and entrepreneurship. Set up a small business venture at home, like a lemonade stand or a craft sale, and involve them in budgeting, managing finances, and understanding the value of money. Simple things like keeping a piggy bank are great learning tools.

  8. The theater of life:

    There is so much in life that a child,can learn spontaneously. Point out the interesting aspects of life that you notice. Also on a more formal basis take your child to the theatre to see how art imitates life and how there is so much to learn from drama and the visual arts.

‘Life is education. Invite your child to see it and embrace it through your learnt experiences.’

- Gail J Smith