Supporting our Upper Primary Students: Encouraging Growth and Independence

Have you noticed your older primary child wanting more independence? Sometimes they demand it, other times they just take it! It's natural for them to seek more freedom and change how they respond to school. Socialising with friends becomes important as they build their identity. The upper primary years can be challenging as they go through puberty.

As a parent, you might wonder how to best support them during this time of change. Here are some simple ideas:

  1. Listen attentively. They need to be heard, and what they say may be changing!

  2. Focus on their learning, not just their work. Are they doing homework regularly, using the library, or talking about projects?

  3. Help with school projects. Assist them in researching topics and discussing their work.

  4. Use adult language. Respect their maturity by avoiding baby talk. Try using new words and have fun conversations.

  5. Encourage trying new things. Suggest exploring different sports or activities.

  6. Watch the news together and discuss it. They can understand more complex ideas now.

  7. Talk about time management. As school demands increase, discuss how they plan and cope.

  8. Promote balance between school and recreation. Show them how to maintain a healthy lifestyle by engaging in activities together.

  9. Provide emotional support. Understand their changing emotions and be there for them. Stay in touch with their teacher too.

Remember, as your child grows, your role as a parent will change too. Be a loving and attentive presence and listen to their needs.

‘Though it's bittersweet to see your child grow up, celebrate their bright spirit as they prepare to spread their wings.’

                                                      -Gail J Smith