Creating space can be a life saver
Teachers know this trick very well. They use it often throughout the school day
For them, it is all about the value of creating space when things get too heated in the classroom.
When you experience tension at home in dealing with issues or you can sense that eruptions are about to occur after a build up of tension between the child and yourself, or child to child, the best solution is to walk away from it and create some positive space.
This could be through a walk, a change of rooms, exercise etc. Getting outdoors is a great refresh button. It is all about creating psychological space so that the heightened tension drops down a notch or too.
Don't underestimate the value of just resting from the tension. Teachers will often take their children outside for a run or a quick game to break the cycle and this certainly makes everyone more at ease. It is a simple solution as a stress buster but highly effective.
In Japan, it is quite common that office workers will stand from their seats, stretch and exercise on a regular basis to freshen their mindset and get their circulation going.
Creating this space means that when you get back to facing the issue, you are better equipped to handle the situation calmly and with reason.
Just a simple break can lower the tension and raise positive vibes.
The benefits of a simple break can reaise positive vibes