Be snap happy.
All children love a game of snap. It is so easy to play and much fun in the process. Ask the child at home to write on pieces of cardboard, the feelings that are important to them. For example, they could be happy, excited, feel anger sometimes etc. Also write feelings that sometimes can interfere on happy feelings such as sad, embarrassed angry, hurt, worried. Make up two sets of cards and tell the child that when they snap, they talk about that feeling and how best to manage it.
This is an excellent way to enjoy talking about feelings that from time to time unsettle the child. Discussing the feeling through the game, puts the feeling out in the open and parents can talk about how they dealt with their feelings. The game enables everyone to openly discuss feelings and in the midst of it, the child talks freely about emotions that we all share. Getting it out in the open is such a great way of understanding the human face of emotions.
Sometimes when a new emotion appears, for example, shyness suggest we could add this feeling to our cards. Counselors often use card games as a way of getting conversation started.
Discussing feeling through a game, helps to draw feeling out into the open.