How do we build resilience in our children?
A big question that many parents ask themselves is how do we make our children more resilient? Whilst there are many support programs at school and strategies we can use to help our children, what is well regarded as a powerful strategy is to let the child see how resilient we are as parents in our own life.
How we influence our children is best done by modelling our own strength in coping with difficult situations. The positive language we use in simply discussing a problem gives the child the awareness that you are calmly reflecting and can approach a situation from many angles. It is about a “no blame” outlook.
For example when faced with some crisis try using words like:
- “I have a problem and I need time to think it through.”
- “I need to look at many ways to sort this out.”
- “At the moment I am working through some troubling issues.”
This is about giving the child the message that:
- there can be many ways to solve a problem.
- having a problem is normal.
Staying calm during that time and looking at many angles of the situation is the best way forward.
When I have dealt with children in areas around resilience, it is not uncommon to hear them talk about how their parents would handle the situation. If they have parents who look at quick solutions and blame, it is harder for the child to take personal ownership of their situation themselves. When they recognise that the parents will look at how to resolve a situation through reflection and negotiation, the child is more receptive to owning and dealing with the problem themselves.
Some final thoughts:
- Stay calm when unsettling issues arise.
- Develop strong listening skills so that questioning is clear.
- Where possible, look for how a positive outcome can be reached even though there is some damage.
- Keep your body language calm, steady and consistent.
Above all let your child see that staying calm and open-minded will get a better resolution.
There are many excellent problem-solving games in educational stores that teach the family how to approach a problem.
When a problem is resolved talk about how you used different strategies to understand and solve the problem.
How we influence our children is best done by modelling our own strength in coping with difficult situations.