Feeling sorry is important but within reason.
Do you have a very sensitive child? If so, you will understand how sometimes they will disproportionately worry or feel upset over matters. Do you have a child always apologising or perhaps getting upset very easily over minor matters.
This blog is about putting worries into proportion. I heard recently a psychologist talk about how something in her past as a child stayed with her for a very long time. She had deep feelings of regret and sorrow over a matter which was not seen in the correct light or understood by adults. It was a displaced issue where someone in the family had died but she had not seen them for a while and as a small child she felt some responsibility for their passing. This may sound a crazy connection, but sometimes a child's mind can carry a sad feeling into adulthood. This silence can be deafening as the years progress.
Think about your own childhood. Were there any incidences that you can recall that brings sadness to your mind and that you attribute yourself to blame? Often families separating when a child is young can stay with the child into adulthood. They question, were they to blame? If only they had done something about it.
These often irrational sorrows can linger in our minds for quite some time in a subliminal way.
In working with children I was always keen to clear the cobwebs so to speak. Invite the child to talk about their fears and worries.
Here are some tips to keep their worries up to the surface of their thoughts and not buried deep to be resurrected as an adult.
As a family, plan weekly chats about everyone's week. Use this occasion to talk about family issues that have been dealt with and discuss how everyone feels about them.
If you notice a child not talking about a matter, find a quiet time to chat with them. It is best to deal with matters sooner rather than later.
Use the scale system. On a scale of one to ten, how did our week go? Be honest about matters that you had to deal with and chat about how you felt at the time.
At the end of the week, reflect on matters that may have impacted on your child. This gives you the chance to sensitively discuss them as a family. Remember this is about teaching children that talking about feelings is such a positive and emotionally settling thing to do regularly.
Remember that a child will understand problems subject to their age and how it is understood in the family. This is about teasing out any unsettling matters that may be locked into their minds.
Children should of course feel sorry over matters, but it should be a mentally healthy way of being sorry.
Call your weekly session “the throw away the cobwebs” session.
Irrational sorrows from childhood can linger in our minds for quite some time in a subliminal way.