Six ideas to help children focus on learning rather than just completing work

  1. Encourage Curiosity: Be spontaneous and look for occasions to be curious. Foster a sense of curiosity and exploration in your child. Encourage them to ask questions, seek answers, and dig deeper into topics that interest them. For example, if your child is learning about space, you can encourage them to research and discover more about specific planets or space missions.

  2. Promote Project-Based Learning: Encourage your child to engage in project-based learning, where they can apply their knowledge and skills to real-world scenarios. The more they engage in real life activities the quicker they learn. This can involve working on hands-on projects, conducting experiments, or creating presentations. For instance, if your child is learning about endangered animals, they could create a poster or a short video highlighting the importance of conservation. Help them with ideas and share in their work.

  3. Connect Learning to Real Life: Help your child understand how what they are learning in school is relevant to their everyday life. If they are learning about fractions, you can involve them in cooking or baking activities where they need to use fractions to measure ingredients.

  4. Encourage Reflection and Discussion: Create opportunities for your child to reflect on what they have learned and engage in discussions regularly.  This can be done through regular conversations about their school day or specific topics they are studying. Ask open-ended questions and listen actively to their responses. For instance, after reading a book, ask them about their favourite part or what they learned from the story. Watching the news together can be a stimulating time to reflect together on wide topics.

  5. Incorporate Technology and Educational Resources: Utilise educational apps, online resources, and interactive platforms to enhance your child's learning experience. There are numerous educational websites, interactive games, and educational videos available that can make learning more engaging and interactive. For example, you can use educational apps that provide interactive quizzes or virtual simulations related to their subjects.

  6. Foster a Love for Reading: Encourage your child to develop a love for reading by providing access to a variety of books and materials that connect with their interests. Take regular trips to the library, set aside dedicated reading time, and discuss books together. Reading not only enhances their knowledge but also promotes critical thinking and imagination.

You can help your child develop a deeper love for learning and an inquiring approach to life by supporting them in some of the above ways. You are an ideal partner in developing and sharing their love and passion for knowledge.

‘Show your child how passionate you are about learning and watch how that passion rubs off!’

                                                                                  -Gail J Smith