Supporting your child’s individual learning style

We are not all learning like robots. We all develop our own individual learning style which needs to be nourished and encouraged from an early age. If we block our child’s ability to learn in their own way it can inhibit their ability to learn, it will devour their self-confidence and their interest in learning will spiral down very fast.

Here are some sound reasons why supporting their individual style will accelerate your child’s learning: Let them take ownership of their learning style.

Optimised Learning: Tailoring your support to your child's learning style ensures they can absorb and retain information more effectively. This optimisation leads to better academic performance and a deeper understanding of the material. A child will remember much more if they are in control of their learning. The brain is wired to connect to the child’s learning in a way that will be deeper and richer if the child is in control of what and how they learn.

Boosted Confidence: When children are taught in a way that aligns with their learning style, they tend to feel more confident about their abilities. This increased self-assurance can lead to a more positive attitude toward learning and taking on challenges. A confident child will learn with more gusto and memorise the content for longer.

Reduced Frustration: If a child's learning style isn't accommodated, they may become frustrated and discouraged. Shutting down to learning could be the outcome. Understanding and supporting their preferred learning approach can reduce their frustration and make the learning process more enjoyable. Try not to understand their learning style and accept that it works for them.

Enhanced Motivation: Children are more motivated to learn when they find the learning process engaging and relevant to their interests and preferences. Catering to their learning style can spark their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.

Improved Communication: Understanding your child's learning style allows for better communication between you and your child's educators. It enables you to advocate for your child's needs and collaborate effectively with teachers to create a conducive learning environment. Accept that your child is unique and in the classroom teachers know how to accommodate such variation in a child’s learning. Be there to talk to the teacher about how your child chooses to learn.

Personal Growth: Supporting your child's learning style fosters their ability to adapt and learn independently. They develop problem-solving skills and the capacity to explore various learning methods, which are valuable life skills. Your child’s individual style when encouraged strengthens their sense of self-worth and they value how they learn.

In summary, recognising and supporting your child's learning style can lead to more effective learning experiences, increased confidence, reduced frustration, enhanced motivation, improved communication with educators, and personal growth. A child will perform better when happy and are more conducive to learning when they feel confident that they know how best to learn. Give them space to experiment with how they learn and you will see a child taking more ownership of their learning.