Listening to your child is important for many reasons

Listen to your child when they speak. The Primary Years

We know that our children are so influenced by social media that draw them away from connecting to the family. It therefore makes sense to be an effective listener with your child as they will show more interest in being around you if you are prepared to listen. Here are some strong reasons to keep yourself well in tune with your child.

  • Listening shows you care, building trust and a strong bond with your child.

  • When you listen, kids open up more about their lives. They are really grateful that you listen.

  • Catch issues early by paying attention to what your child says. Give them time to do their talking.

  • Kids feel valued and confident when they know you’re listening. Therefore they are more inclined to keep up that habit as they grow older.

  • Listening helps kids understand and express their feelings better. This is great for nurturing good mental health.

  • Show them how to be good listeners and communicators by doing it yourself.

  • Listening helps kids feel supported, empowering them to solve problems. If they feel supported they will keep returning for a chat.

  • Kids learn better when they know their thoughts are heard and valued.

  • Quality listening time builds happy, memorable moments together. You discover a lot about your child through listening.

When a child grows up around parents that really take the time to listen to their child, they feel their views are valued and feelings of self worth grow. This will become a very healthy pattern for a child to go to their parents when they need to talk.

The first duty of love is to listen.
— Paul Tillich