How to choose the best school for your child?

How to choose the best school for your children. The Primary Years.

At this stage of the year many parents are reflecting on where to send their first child to school. It is also useful for all parents of children in schools to reflect on what your school is currently offering your child. Is it living up to those expectations you have of it? Is your child happy at school?

Here are some reflections on how you can research your local schools. Keep in mind though that your participation and engagement with that school will make all the difference to your child's success in that environment.


• Consider the school's proximity to your home or workplace for ease of commute and involvement. Also consider your child will establish friends at that school and this will impact on your social life at home as often children want to play with friends outside of school hours.

• Look at the school’s curriculum and special programs to see if they align with your child’s learning style and interests. Is the school looking into optional programs to support various children's needs?

• Smaller class sizes often mean more individual attention for your child. Check the teacher- student ratio. Consider is the school likely to grow in numbers quickly as that will affect class sizes?

• Research the school’s reputation through reviews from other parents, online ratings, and talking to local community members.

• Ensure the school offers a range of extracurricular activities that match your child’s interests, such as sports, arts, or clubs.

• Visit the school to get a feel for its culture and values. Make sure it aligns with your family’s values and supports a positive environment. Attend functions such as s school fairs to get a feel for the environment.

• Check the quality of the school’s facilities, including classrooms, libraries, sports areas, and technology. Are their any plans for new buildings, renovations etc.?

• Find out what support services are available, such as counselling, special education, and tutoring programs.

• Assess how the school communicates with parents and the opportunities available for parental involvement.

• Review the school’s safety protocols and discipline policies to ensure a secure and well- managed environment.

• Look at the school’s performance data, such as test scores and graduation rates, to gauge academic success. Take care though that this is only one feature of a school. Your child's learning is very holistic and they will need development in their social, emotional and physical development alongside side the intellectual development.

• Take a tour of the school, meet the staff, and observe classes to get a firsthand impression.

A school can be many things to children. Primarily they need to feel welcomed and believe that they can safely learn in that environment. No school environment is perfect. What is important is that your child feels strongly connected to the school and can grow with confidence and the reassurance that everyone is there for them.

The quality of your child’s education at any school will be enriched by your relationship to that school.
— Gail J Smith