Enjoying the process

Did you ever see the Australian Film, “The Castle” ?


Michael Kerrigan loved his wife's cooking. This was a wonderful example of affirming and celebrating the effort. Yes I agree the story was exaggerated but nonetheless it highlighted how affirming people's efforts spurs them on to greater heights.

Children particularly respond to affirmation along the way. This means that we acknowledge their progress and not wait till the work is complete.

For example, “You have started your homework. Well done.”

“I love the way you got up in time for school.”

It is all about celebrating the journey.

”Thanks for putting away your clothes. Well Done”

Applaud the small efforts many of which we just take for granted. This gives the child the understanding that they are valued.

A great trick of mine is to always make some small affirmation if a child enters my office. This gives me some brownie points as the child feels appreciated. “ Thanks for visiting me, I appreciate how you entered so quietly”. Immediately we are on a good footing! Even if we need to talk about some serious matters.

It is all about demonstrating to your child that you value their efforts. It's also teaching about gratitude. This is a word we hardly hear mentioned these days.