Getting back to school after a great holiday.


Holidays are fun and take families away from routine which enables families to rest, talk more and engage in fun activities. It's all about the importance of slowing down, gathering around the family table and just being family.

Still the patterns of school return and for some children this can be unsettling. Consider having a family meeting and talk about what the school week will look like. Perhaps put a chart on the fridge outlining the plan for the next few weeks and ask your child to be part of this plan. If there will be variations to the weekly routine ensure you let the child know well in advance as they can be part of all family movements.

Chat about what will be happening at school and ask your child if they know of any major events coming up. Reestablishing friendships for children can be a big issue for some. Perhaps talk about their friends in a general way.

It's all about getting the routines slowly up and running. Enabling the child to be part of that plan and celebrating that routine as a way of life in your family for the school term is important. A good term's start sets the scene for a successful term.