Find those conversation spaces they make such a difference.
The days are so complex, busy, noisy and emotionally crowded at times. Everyone wants your time and attention. Finding time to just simply talk to your child without interruptions can be so difficult.
Do days pass when you wonder if you have had any real conversations with your child other than giving instructions, talking about the practicality of the day etc.? You can often feel as though real conversation has passed you by.
This article is about seeking out occasions to have conversations without other factors getting in the way. It is about finding emotional space to just talk about a topic that might be on the mind of the child or yourself. It does not need to have any specific direction, other than pleasant conversation between the two of you.
Many parents find small conversations in the car work well. Sometimes, the simplicity of just sitting in a car together which is uncomplicated and not invaded by other people can be a great time to talk about some matter on your mind. Also bedtime is often seen as a time to have small conversations together. Some parents tell me when snuggled up watching a movie can bring out great conversations. Remember these are pleasant together times where conversation is simply enjoyed between the two of you.
Think about times when you are cooking together, playing together. Find occasional spaces when real conversation can be had by both child and adult. It is amazing how moments of powerful statements can be made in the most ordinary of circumstances. This is about finding small pockets of time where you are simply enjoying each other's space and it can be a perfect occasion to just talk comfortably. Never underestimate how these occasions can be helpful in really talking with your child. These are honest moments and are truly authentic. Most importantly they are enjoyed by both parties.
In working with children I would sometimes go for a walk on the school yard and just talk about the environment. It was amazing how calmly and comfortably the child would feel in talking to you. Make your conversation spaces a popular time for your child to just talk to you without complication, judgement or interruptions. Walk with them in and through conversation.
“When I talk to you, my day gets a whole lot better”
When was the last time you had a moment to truly connect and chat with your child?