Let’s talk about some advantages of boredom
We have always been encouraged to chase boredom away as it is a sign of inactivity and sometimes can be linked to developing laziness.
Let’s start thinking that sometimes boredom can be a necessary and useful part of our life and well-being. It is an emotion that research is now saying is necessary in some way for our health.
With children, we fear inactivity and believe that boredom will make them disengaged from the real world. Therefore, it is common practice as parents to fill their days with busy activities and to keep their minds active with sports, hobbies, etc. There is something we now know for simply sitting alone with your thoughts and feelings. The question that modern studies are posing:
‘Is there a problem with nothing happening as opposed to having things happen all the time?’
Teachers know well that when there is an overload of activities, work demands etc., in the classroom just having some time to sit and do what you like or not is important for balance. In such a free space, children can or may choose not to do anything. They are allowed well being space which is interpreted by them to suit themselves. No judgement is placed on how they use that time.
Consider giving your child some down time that is all their own and allow them the mental freedom to simply be. Set no expectations other than it’s a time to unwind without technology television etc.
Turn off the television one night and just let your child entertain themselves before bed. Being locked in their own thoughts is not a bad thing. It gives them time to simply think.
Consider watching the grass grow with your children. Nature walks are great for this. Feel the sensations of wind and heat on your face and talk about the sights and sounds around you. Simply being silent in such a space also has its advantages. Let the silence in and feel the difference.
Sometimes just a wander around the shops with your child merely looking and being curious, letting your imagination roll on is valuable idle time.
We know that walking has such physical benefits but it also has mental benefits. Encourage your child to enjoy walks. Also riding their bikes, skating etc are great times for wandering thoughts.
Listening to music is an easy one for a child. Encourage them to listen to their music sometimes with headsets and sometimes just as background music. Idle thoughts and concepts sometimes cross your mind in listening to music.
Doodling is another idle activity but one where thoughts wander and the brain is not having heavy expectations placed on it. Children love to doodle and to think simple thoughts with no expectations placed on them. This can be such a creative time.
Art activities such as play dough, sandpits, baking etc. are all times where a child can simply be without expectations placed on them. From such idleness comes new thoughts and dreams.
When your child says that they are bored use some of these occasions to suggest just having a quiet time with no real plan for a little while. Encourage a little of this from time to time.
If we use boredom as a wind down time, a time for just letting thoughts fly around, we will be surprised at the creative thinking that goes on in our head. We can reflect on matters that perhaps we have not thought of for a while.
Be a little like Einstein loaf around in your head and see what grows from that.
‘If you want freedom you have to come to terms with being okay in the now doing nothing.’
- Doug Duncan