Six important parenting practices with an upbeat approach

Parenting sometimes needs an upbeat approach to getting children involved. This way it takes some of the burden away and lightens the whole idea that parenting is all about control and discipline.

  1. Give Lots of High-Fives for Good Stuff

    When your child does something good, give them a high-five or a thumbs up! Make it a positive moment for both of you.
    For example: "Awesome job on your drawing! High-five for all your hard work!"

  2. Make Clear Rules Like a Superhero Guide

    Be a superhero with clear rules. Imagine you're creating a superhero guide for your family.
    For example: "Our superhero guide says we have a bedtime routine to help us sleep like superheroes. What do you think?" Keep it light and amusing.

  3. Talk and Listen Like Best Friends Do

    Talk and listen like you're each other's best friends.
    For example: "Tell me about your day! I'm here to listen, just like best friends do."

  4. Show How It's Done, Super Parent Style

    Show your child how to be super by being a super parent!
    For example: "I'll show you how to clean up, and we'll be superheroes together! Ready?"

  5. Let Them Be the Captain, with You as Co-Captain

    Your child is the captain, and you're the co-captain. Help them steer!
    For example: "You're in charge of choosing today's snack. Captain's choice!"

  6. Create Fun Times, Like a Weekly Family Fiesta

    Have a weekly family fiesta with games, stories, or just hanging out.
    For example: "It's our special family time! What fun thing should we do this week for our family fiesta?"

    These ideas are all about creating a happy environment where the whole business of parenting is treated in a warm and engaging way with your child. Good parenting is about preventing problem behaviour and engaging with your child in a warm and authentic way. The more you listen effectively and give time, energy and love to your child, the more you will create the best climate to rear your child.

 ‘All children love a little theatre. Build it into your parenting’.

-Gail J Smith