Dealing with children's preschool jitters
By now children are starting to talk about going back to school. It can be exciting, but for some it can trigger anxieties about making a new start in a new classroom and forming friends. In the usual banter that goes on amongst children, they discuss what it will be like to be in a new classroom. It is therefore a wise idea to put a few things in place now to ease some of that beginning school tension.
Talk about how you look forward to meeting the new teacher and talk positively about what you may have heard about them.
Sometimes walking around the school if your child is young just to familiarize themselves about playgrounds and happy spaces for them.
Many families are buying items for school. Involve your child in choosing these items and have fun putting their school bag together. Talk about a few treats that might be part of this year's plan in the school bag.
Invite school friends around so that your child can reacquaint themselves with friends.
Start talking about the year's plan. This will be a reminder to your child that it is all about a balance between school time, sport and family recreation.
If a new uniform is required, involve your child in shopping for it and showing it toother family members. Encourage them her to feel proud and excited about their new uniform.
If your child talks anxiously about finding new friends, chat about how it worked last year and how they found friends after some time. Also mention that teachers work on ensuring the class bonds early into the term.
Listen carefully to how they talk about school and if worried you can always approach the school and teachers before the year begins.
Be available in the first few weeks of school as this can be helpful to your child who has just spent all the summer holidays with you.
Begin adjusting bedtime and wake-up time a week or two before school starts to ensure a smooth transition. Also create a consistent morning routine that includes time for breakfast, getting dressed, and preparing for the day.
Celebrate small achievements and successes throughout the first weeks of school.
Positive reinforcement can boost your child's confidence early in the year. Let your child know that they can always talk to you about their experiences. Talk about how you are available to listen if they feel the need.
Encourage a positive mindset by highlighting the enjoyable aspects of school, such as seeing friends, learning new things and engaging in fun activities. Keep the positive talk happening before school starts.
The school year is about to begin. The family wheels are in motion and there is much to coordinate before that first school bell rings. If you just gradually ease into the school year and feel that preparation is well underway, you will be much happier and satisfied that you are in control.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”