Helping your child learn to read

When a child struggles with reading, it can really hold them back. Their confidence takes a hit, and they might start feeling like they're not as good as other kids. Discover some fun ways to teach reading with Gail Smith and help your child become a better reader!

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Home is a great place to start reading

Parents have such an influence on their children.

Teachers often comment on how a child repeats what their parents say, or shows mannerisms like mum or dad, or simply talks frequently about their parents.

One of the most valuable things a parent can do as a model is to read with them.


Research tells us that early reading with children has a significant influence on the development of their speech, how they interact with parents and sharpening their auditory skills.

I recommend leaving picture books scattered around the house and having special times together to read. Share the reading together at night. Reading together can be so much fun and a chance to further spend quality time together.

If the child sees that you value reading, they value reading.

Your example has an impact on your child.