Do we really understand how we use power over our children?
Power can take many forms. As a parent, you are confident and responsible. You understand your responsibility and will always sacrifice your interests over that of the child. As a parent, you understand that sacrifice is part of the job and so the self-actualisation one gains from being a parent highlight how the joy of having a child impacts on your life.
We grow with the child and our personality has quite an impression on the child. Our child comes to know what influences our moods, what excites us and what from time to time angers us.
How natural and normal is that in disclosing who we are and how we respond to life. Very natural I would say.
This article is to remind us that our children are like sponges and will respond to our reactions in different ways. Somewhere in their DNA they are working it all out! They learn from our responses and will internalise reflecting on how they would respond and act in that situation.
If our temperament is quite a strong one and we have opinions that are strongly expressed, sometimes our children can be overwhelmed by the power that this exhumes. I have seen many situations where strong-willed parents who express a powerful voice have children who respond meekly to situations. They feel they have no independent voice.
The child feels safer not to express themselves as they fear a response from parents. Silence is a powerful tool which children come to understand. If you are a parent with a strong persona and recognise within yourself that your opinions are well expressed consider the following:
Are you allowing your child to develop their own voice?
Is your child simply going quiet and not disclosing their feelings?
Are you giving your child the opportunity to express themselves in an open and non-judgemental way?
When consequences need to be put in place do you involve the child in the process and show strong listening skills with your child?
Often children with strong parents use silence as a way of excluding themselves from opinion and conflict. Remember if you want long term engagement with your child you need to engage them in a way that gives them a sense of being heard and valued.
Children who feel not included or underpowered with strong parents who have a very assertive way of communicating can simply shut down. It’s safer that way! This gives them immunity from being attacked or feeling a failure. It becomes a habit not to engage and so the relationship drifts. Many a child I spoke to over the years as Principal, admitted that it was easier to be silent than have opinions.
Consider the following thoughts to ensure that your child feels included and valued.
When having discussions at home ask your child what thoughts they have on the matter? Listen with intent and affirm their opinions. Show little reaction. Be interested.
Make it clear to your child that their opinion is valued and included in family conversations. Start asking their opinion more often even on simple matters.
Talk about how you like to communicate and discuss how different ways of communicating are valued.
“Sometimes I like to express my opinions in a strong way as I feel passionate about different things. I guess I can be a little loud at times. However, many people express their passions in a different way.”
Point out people that you admire who get their message across in a calmer, less noisy fashion. Admire the different styles.
Invite your child to have an opinion. Listen and affirm their efforts. Applaud how they communicate with others.
“You spoke so well about your feelings on the environment. I love how you talk to people about such matters”.
Children listen and learn from parents. Your style of communication is also carefully noted by your child. They will respond to the invitation given to them from parents. Allow your child to develop their own voice.