Discipline or restorative healing?
No question about it, from time to time we need to use discipline with our children. I prefer to refer to it as ‘setting up consequences’ as the word discipline to me has harsh undertones. It alludes to administering harsh measures that can be felt for some time. After all, consequences are more about inviting your child to understand their actions and to deal with them in a responsible way. This does not in any way undermine the responsibility of the unacceptable action. In fact, it invites the child to take ownership of making mistakes.
Schools often use a method called restorative practice. It is primarily about a child acknowledging their wrongdoing after much listening and reflection. Together with the teacher, they put in place restorative action that will have consequences and healing for all parties. It encourages self-discipline and self-control. It invites children to reflect on their actions in the light of the problem.
This involves talking to children in a positive way about their behaviour.
“I am very disappointed that you broke that vase.
Together we need to find a way of dealing with this.”
You can invite the child to find the appropriate consequences and together you plan a way forward. Often using this method, you will find the child is quite hard on themselves. Care must be taken to work on the best consequences for the problem not always the harshest.
“Now that we have dealt with this matter, how can we avoid it happening again?”
Here we invite some proactive thoughts on moving forward and avoiding the same problem.
Also, affirm the child once the behaviour and consequences are complete.
“Well done. You understand that what you did was wrong and you have made me feel better now. We can move on.”
The most important part of giving consequences is to move forward after the consequences are finished. For the child, the most important part of healing is knowing that they are forgiven and that you still love them despite their problems.
A few thoughts:
Try to be less angry when the incident occurs. Anger can escalate the child’s fear of giving the best response to the situation. Anger only encourages the child to shut down. Teachers understand very well that if they express anger without listening to the child, they will lose credibility. Solving the problem and moving on effectively then becomes a much bigger problem.
Keep everything in proportion. How serious was the problem? Perhaps it just needed a simple reminder?
Do the consequences fit the behaviour?
Are you taking over too much of the resolution and not including your child in the discussion throughout the process?
Check-in with your child after the resolution of the problem. Is your relationship intact after dealing with the behaviour?
Check-in with yourself to ensure that you have moved on. Carry no bitterness or malice.
Remember that many of the problems are about being a child, making mistakes and learning to grow. They will be short term and in a child’s life, there will be many repeated times to deal with consequences. Therefore, take it all in your stride and do not personalise issues.
If you have noticed an increased need to put consequences in place, check-in with your relationship with the child. Is all well in this area? Do I need to take time out to spend some individual healing time with my child?
Finally, whenever you have dealt with a problem, discussed the matter and dealt fairly with consequences, there will be growth and hopefully a broadening of understanding where forgiveness, mutual understanding and empathy grow.
“Conflict is not a problem that needs solving but a phenomenon that needs understanding.”