Are we expecting too much?
Oh, what a year it has been for everyone! Here we are with a few weeks to go, Christmas in the air and school back in action.
Are we normal again? What is normal and is it important to be back in what we understood as normal? Who knows the answer to that question?
With all the variation of the year, changing expectations and the ever-present idea that we could be back in lockdown if everything goes pear-shaped, are we expecting too much?
Here are a few tips to make for a gentle exit to the year and a happy entry into the holiday period.
Be gentle on yourself. If you notice that you are not operating as normal, so be it! Now is a balancing act of getting everything done for Christmas and at the same time remaining calm.
Keep simple and happy routines going for the children. They deserve to feel safe and be reassured of normality in their life. They need to feel a sense of familiarity in their world.
Don’t set expectations too high with regard to learning. The children are getting back into what is a broken year for school and even teachers will find it hard to assess the performance of the children. You may find the school report quite modified to suit the situation. Remember learning has occurred this year in a whole different way.
Keep home life stable and not too unsettled. Be predictable and reliable when promising children what lies ahead.
Take care when disciplining poor behaviour. Check in to find out what is driving the problem. Children can still be unsettled in the school, with friends etc. There may be some matter affecting their ability to function well.
Take care not too overcrowd the week. Let some form of normality operate in your family life. What can you take out of your week to simplify life for the family? Look positively to the Christmas period. It is an excellent time to heal from our unsettled year. Watch old joyous Christmas movies filled with warm feelings, goodwill and happiness.
Reduce negative talk around the house. This can make children anxious.
Finally, keep up the listening with our children. They need to feel heard as they come to understand what they have been experiencing this year.
“Keep your face always towards the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.”