Starting a new school year can be a big adjustment, especially for kids feeling a little nervous. As a parent, you can help ease their worries and boost their confidence with simple strategies. A smooth start sets the tone for a great year ahead! Gail Smith shows you how you can support your child through this transition.

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Let’s look at some ways in which life can be easier for our working mums.

Mothers, it's important not to underestimate the value of personal time. Balancing family responsibilities while staying calm and rested is no small feat. Though there's no one-size-fits-all solution, it's worth considering ways to make life a bit easier. Parenting shouldn't feel like an overwhelming burden on top of managing home and work. Gail Smith offers practical steps to help you navigate those hectic school weeks with a little more ease.

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Why it is important to monitor the mental health of your child

In today's complex world, children face an overwhelming influx of information from social media and other sources. It's crucial to ensure their happiness and sense of security during the early years to build mental resilience. By being present, listening well, and working together to solve problems, parents can foster resilience and reassurance in their children. Gail Smith emphasizes the importance of monitoring and supporting your child's mental health.

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Nurturing Your Child's Well-Being: A Guide for Parents to Cultivate Hope and Resilience

With the challenges children face today, from academic pressures to social media’s influence, fostering their mental and emotional health has never been more important. Read on for some strategies and insights to help you in this enriching yet challenging endeavour.

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Managing anger around children.

It’s a natural part of life to feel anger. We need to understand that a child can often misinterpret our anger and will often take on much of the blame when we have a meltdown. Managing our anger around children is the best way to ensure your feelings do not overpower your child. Our angry outbursts can sometimes lead them to shut down and to avoid being in our presence.

 Read on for some thoughts on how your anger can influence your child.

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Children: Dealing with traumatic war news stories

Children can easily feel distress and confusion and have a sense of hopelessness when they see some of the graphic scenes of people and children suffering. It is important to be on the same page as their teachers when explaining war to your children.

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The importance of the child feeling safe

Children have a right to feel safe. The importance of feeling safe is critical to a healthy society and mental health. Small steps can be used to help your child feel safe and secure and small things can make them feel unsafe, even in their own home. Read here for some parenting tips and considerations.

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Children who find school a struggle

Many children have times when they feel they are struggling not just with school but also with friends, home issues, siblings, etc. Children can and do have down times. If your child is struggling, read here for some tips.

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