Keep An Eye On Your Child's Mental Health

From time to time check in on your child's mental health. Situations can change quickly for a child such as school issues, friendships etc and parents need to notice if there are shifts in their child's behaviour or general mood. A child's life is very fluid and we need to swim with them in the shifting emotional waters where there are ebbs and flows throughout the years. 


Early Detection of Issues:

Why it matters: Just like physical health, early detection of mental health issues can lead to more effective treatment.

Example: If a parent notices their child is unusually withdrawn or anxious, addressing it early can prevent more serious issues like depression or anxiety disorders. Be alert to changed moods.

Impact on Academic Performance:

Why it matters: Mental health significantly affects a child's ability to learn and perform in school.

Example: A child struggling with undiagnosed ADHD or anxiety may have trouble focusing or completing homework, leading to poor grades and low self-esteem. Poor performance can have a lot to do with diminishing self-confidence.

Social Development:

Early detection of children's mental health can lead to more effective treatment options.

Why it matters: Healthy mental well-being is essential for developing strong social skills and forming healthy relationships.

Example: A child with unmanaged social anxiety might struggle to make friends or interact with peers, affecting their social development. Shifts in friendship groups can also impact their emotional well-being and inability to manage bullying.

Preventing Harmful Behaviours:

Why it matters: Unaddressed mental health issues can sometimes lead to harmful behaviours, such as substance abuse or self-harm.

Example: Recognising signs of distress and providing support can steer a child away from coping mechanisms that can be harmful in the long run. Keep an eye on eating patterns as eating disorders can become serious mental health issues.

Building Resilience:

Why it matters: Understanding and managing mental health from a young age helps children develop resilience, which is crucial for coping with life's challenges.

Example: Teaching children healthy coping mechanisms and emotional regulation skills can prepare them to handle stress and adversity more effectively as they grow.

A major foundational tool in preventing mental health issues is building in a child a strong sense of self-worth. Being parents who listen well to their children, place no judgement on them and affirm them regularly in a loving way strengthens their sense of self-worth.

Little by little affirm those little successes you see each day in your child. Those little successes become strong foundational blocks for building a pyramid of emotional well being.

 -Gail J Smith