How focussed are we on being on time?
Do we live by the clock? Does it give us a sense of security so that we feel we can achieve everything we set out to do?
Take care not to measure everything by the clock. If we tend to be too focussed on being on time, monitoring our actions by time and feeling that if we are watching the clock, we will not operate in a much more efficient and successful way.
A problem can develop when we are preoccupied with time. We miss the little things that are so important especially with children. Their spontaneity can sometimes slow us down but is that such a bad thing? To stop and take the time to savour the special unpredictable moments with your child are more powerful than simply being focussed on the time and getting it right.
Are you so preoccupied with being on time that the stress in the family house goes up several notches?
Teachers are compulsive planners who know that their time is precious and that they have a set requirement of work to complete in a specific time. However, despite their preoccupation with time and awareness of its importance in their work, they still will stop the lesson. With the children, they will savour those special moments in the classroom that enrich the day and the experiences. Such awareness of the spontaneous precious moments that can happen at any time are important for refreshing the day. They are all about deeper more meaningful contact with people. They can also be instrumental in changing plans and directions for the day. Teachers realise that listening and redirecting actions can enable a classroom to flow more smoothly and more productively.
Can you listen to the small things that happen around you with your child?
Are you so preoccupied with being on time that the stress in the family house goes up several notches? Can you relax a little in this area?
Can we plant in our mind the realisation that we put the value of our children over time and the things that must be done?
Think about how preoccupied you are about time. Can you make some adjustments and still feel that can manage the situation?
Those precious moments we capture on camera with our children can sometimes be missed when we become too preoccupied with time.
“Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves.”