Self Care Tips for Busy Parents

Remember, a tired parent may find it challenging to give their best to their child. It's essential to prioritize your own happiness and health, as it directly impacts your ability to parent effectively. Gail Smith offers nine practical suggestions to help you create a personal well-being routine. Taking time for yourself amidst the busyness of each day is key to feeling fulfilled and being the best parent you can be.

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What brings joy to you and your child?

The more we share joy with our children, the deeper and richer connection we make with them. Sharing joy triggers a host of significant physiological and psychological changes that improve our physical and mental health. Gail Smith shares some examples of what brings joy to your child.

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The value of spending time and having fun with your child

With no expectation placed on you other than enjoying each other’s company, having fun with your child is all about finding quality time that is a such a precious and valuable way of building lasting and healthy relationships.

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Be a little on the wild side and explore adventure with your child

Don't underestimate that what you expose your children to can have a fantastic impact on their intellectual and emotional growth. Read here to consider ideas and examples of how you can make a to your child’s life by being open to many ideas.

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The art of bringing happiness to your child

A happy child is one that feels secure and has strong supports around them that intelligently allow the child to grow in an environment that is open, engaging and inclusive. As parents we try our best and the human side of us sometimes fails to hit the right mark. Here’s some tips to help bring happiness to your child - sometimes, in these stressful days, it’s important to help build a child’s level of happiness.

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A laugh a day can keep the blues at bay.

In all my time as a teacher and Principal, I always felt that classrooms filled with humour were happier and more enlivened spaces in which children could work and learn. ‘ Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life but will surely add life to your years.’ Anon.

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