Lasting memories of a childhood

Gail Smith fondly reminisces about her childhood companion, a beloved doll named Barbara. Even as an adult, with life full of daily challenges, Barbara still evokes sweet memories of simpler times. Gail hopes that every child finds their own "Barbara"—a source of comfort and cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

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Managing anger around children.

It’s a natural part of life to feel anger. We need to understand that a child can often misinterpret our anger and will often take on much of the blame when we have a meltdown. Managing our anger around children is the best way to ensure your feelings do not overpower your child. Our angry outbursts can sometimes lead them to shut down and to avoid being in our presence.

 Read on for some thoughts on how your anger can influence your child.

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Keeping track of the media for children

There is so much news at the moment about the distressing situation in Ukraine, the ongoing battle with Covid and other local issues. The recent floods were very disturbing in Australia. It doesn’t take long for children to pick up that there is much anxiety and stress in our world.

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