Try being child-like. It is a great leveller
One of the great advantages of being a parent is that your child will take you through all the stages of growth, physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally. They will reintroduce you to childlike ways. How much therapy can that be!
Playing with your children brings more benefits than you realise.
Whilst I appreciate our children can be exhausting and frustrating from time to time, they do give us such wonderful opportunities to relive our childhood in some way. Perhaps your childhood wasn’t so much fun, now is a time to enjoy the innocence and simple joy of being a child with your own child.
Sometimes being an adult and maintaining the pressure of living up to many and varied expectations can be very waring.
When you take time out to share in some fun and uncomplicated joy with your child, the world is a happier place to be. It also demonstrates to your child, that you can relax and share in their world, with all its magic and imagination. You are modelling that their world has its own charm and meaning in which you want to share. You are valuing their world and not placing expectations on them to be sensible, grown up etc.
In working with children, I was in a very blessed space as a workplace. If I wanted to ease the pressure of the office, I would often enjoy playing the games on the yard with the students, join in netball games, share in choir etc. I certainly felt better from being part of their world. I would return to the office much refreshed.
Visiting sandpits and together play in them. Beaches are wonderful spaces to play in the sand, no matter what age the child. They provide a wonderful climate to play sport such as cricket etc. Notice all the fun, families have on beaches in Summer. Beaches provide entertainment for all.
Playing formal games at home. Simple games such as monopoly can provide hours of fun.
Play Lego with the children. Are you as creative or as skilled as them?
Drama is a great imaginative tool. Act out simple plays and stories together. Children love the dress ups. Join in with them. Sometimes using music, singing together leads to much joy. Dramatizing books being read is also a great fun way to engage.
Physical activities such as bike riding together, rollerblading and other active games in the park can lead to so much enjoyment.
Children love to write imaginative stories. You can join in and add sections to it.
Draw together. This can be even using chalk on the concrete.
Invite your child to recommend the game and join in. Younger children are very quick to create stories and adventures.
These considerations may not be new to you but the following reasoning is behind the idea of joining in the world of the child.
It is mentally healthy to play and relax. What better way than to do it with your children.
As an adult taking a break from being a grown up is a positive way to improve mental health. Sometimes maintaining the adult in you is hard work.
By joining in with your child, you relive some memories and trigger some smiles. All positive for everyone concerned.
Finally, who says we have to lose all our childhood and grow up.
A better-balanced adult who can see life from many angles including that of a child is a more interesting person with high emotional intelligence.
“Be small and childlike. There is no simpler, better way to see the big picture. ”