Is your child comparing themselves to others?

A child is always on the go developing their sense of self-worth and building foundations that reassure them of their worthiness. They don't need to focus on others around them who are doing better or who perceive to be more successful. Read here for some suggestions to help you work with your child in offsetting unfortunate comparisons and how to build their self-esteem.

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Learn to complete things - an important lesson for our children

Not completing things is a form of self sabotage where you may get bored easily and literally stop short of being successful. It can be very habit forming and a way of dealing with things that just seem too hard. Sound familiar? We are all guilty of it, but we can play a role in teaching children how to follow through and make decisions to commit and see something through.

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Strengthening a child’s interest and endurance with reading

It can be a fine line between pushing the child to read and gently setting the scene to help them. Reading is vital in a child’s development and learning. Here’s some tips to encourage reading at home.

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Children who find school a struggle

Many children have times when they feel they are struggling not just with school but also with friends, home issues, siblings, etc. Children can and do have down times. If your child is struggling, read here for some tips.

Read More be discouraged in our children

A child who is a perfectionist does not feel free to make any mistakes and we know that mistakes are an important form of learning for your child. If the child feels too anxious to make mistakes their confidence drops and all sorts of behavioural complications can enter the scenario. Read here to navigate the world of perfection in your child.

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A helpful child is a useful thing. I guess?

The home should be a place of rest, safety and feeling secure in a child’s own skin. Of course duties around the house are important but should not overwhelm the child nor should they become a battleground with parents. I stress this as I have seen many unsettled children grow unhappy due to demands at home. Read here for considerations when setting chores at home.

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Feeling overwhelmed? It can happen to our children.

When a child feels overwhelmed by too much information, they simply shut down as a defence. Children can become just as overwhelmed as adults. Read here on some strategies to help avoid anxiety in your children.

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How to deal with trauma such as the recent school shooting in the USA.         

We are confronted by what recently happened in Texas with the mass killing of young children in a school. It is almost impossible to get our heads around this atrocity and as parents, we shudder with the reminder that a parent’s grief for their lost child would be immeasurable. Here's some pointers for parents to help your children understand tragedies like this.

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A child needs to grow a strong belief in themselves

Our children need to be steadily building a strong belief in themselves. They will put themselves forward and receive some knockdowns but climbing the ladder of being strongly connected to the world will come with mounting strong self-belief.

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Being credible is such an important part in parenting

By nature of being a parent you are invited to present such fine qualities as credibility and trust to your child. Never underestimate that such an opportunity is also all about developing yourself as a fully rounded, emotionally intelligent person. Like it or not parenting forces us to grow up!

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Teach our children to be courteous

There is a silent, steady power present in being courteous. You are stronger by nature of your courteous style. By treating someone with dignity no matter how different your thoughts are, there is little with which to argue. After all, they see how you accept them as legitimate. You accept their right to have a voice, which gives you a voice.

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The value you have to your child

We appreciate that we are important and that we hold great responsibility and balance of power in taking care of our child. I wonder how often we think about the value we give to our child.

Dr Seuss said “To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world.”

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Being a mum - something to think about

I have learnt some precious realities in watching mums raise a family, live with it and through it, suffer all the hardships, carry the weak moments and rise above the troubled spots. Now that’s being a mum!

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