The value of spending time and having fun with your child

With no expectation placed on you other than enjoying each other’s company, having fun with your child is all about finding quality time that is a such a precious and valuable way of building lasting and healthy relationships.

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Why formal education is so important

From time to time people come up with the argument that formal school does not have value and that education at home could be adequate. Here are 8 reasons why formal education is essential for children.

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Managing anger around children.

It’s a natural part of life to feel anger. We need to understand that a child can often misinterpret our anger and will often take on much of the blame when we have a meltdown. Managing our anger around children is the best way to ensure your feelings do not overpower your child. Our angry outbursts can sometimes lead them to shut down and to avoid being in our presence.

 Read on for some thoughts on how your anger can influence your child.

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Be a little on the wild side and explore adventure with your child

Don't underestimate that what you expose your children to can have a fantastic impact on their intellectual and emotional growth. Read here to consider ideas and examples of how you can make a to your child’s life by being open to many ideas.

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A few good tips when managing your child.

We are all learning how to parent daily. It keeps evolving as new experiences come our way. Nothing is constant as our children develop and change over the years. Read on for some reflections on what works well when engaging with your child.

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Children: Dealing with traumatic war news stories

Children can easily feel distress and confusion and have a sense of hopelessness when they see some of the graphic scenes of people and children suffering. It is important to be on the same page as their teachers when explaining war to your children.

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