Keep smiling it works!
Children's smiles are their greatest gift. Here are some parenting tips that can assist and remind you of the power of positivity and smiling through life.
Read MoreChildren's smiles are their greatest gift. Here are some parenting tips that can assist and remind you of the power of positivity and smiling through life.
Read MoreRead on for 9 ways to help your child learn to read.
Read MoreHere are some suggestions on keeping your children’s stress levels at bay or at least contained in a manageable package. However, we recognise that stress factors operate around us all the time. Developing tactics to deal with them is the key.
Read MoreA child often learns the hard way what really defines a friend and it is our job as parents to gently ease them through this process. It is not our role to choose friends for them or to simply approve of the ones we like. Remember it is their exploratory journey to find out what best kind of friendship works for them. Read here for some different ways to help them navigate friendships.
Read MoreWe all cling to our values and beliefs. This is what makes us so definable. We are without realising it passing on many values to our children all the time. Here are some tips to help your child hold on to your and their values, and respect the values of others.
Read MoreA happy child is one that feels secure and has strong supports around them that intelligently allow the child to grow in an environment that is open, engaging and inclusive. As parents we try our best and the human side of us sometimes fails to hit the right mark. Here’s some tips to help bring happiness to your child - sometimes, in these stressful days, it’s important to help build a child’s level of happiness.
Read MoreEveryone wants to feel appreciated. Showing gratitude also feels great. It is a power tool for building strong and trusting relationships. What a powerhouse of a gift to give to your child.
Read MoreIf we use boredom as a wind-down time, a time for just letting thoughts fly around, we will be surprised at the creative thinking that goes on in our head. We can reflect on matters that perhaps we have not thought of for a while. It's our role as parents to help our children see the benefits of boredom.
Read MoreIt makes sense that as a parent you feel confident and that you are in a solid relationship with your child’s teacher. It is important to your teacher, and child also. There are many factors that go into running a school and teaching. Parents are naturally emotional when it comes to their children, so if you have any concerns, you’ll have a better chance of being heard when you are calm and responsibly talk about concerns with your child’s teacher.
Read MoreDo you ever get frustrated when asking questions to your child? Do you get the yes, no answers? If you are seeking information from your child, consider the question you ask. Here are some tips to get some communication started with your child.
Read MoreA very young child at an egocentric stage, struggles with understanding that others can be better. With development and more self-awareness, they begin to start accepting themselves for who they are and recognising the bigger world around them. Read here for some different ways parents can help children to develop this awareness.
Read MoreChildren have a right to feel safe. The importance of feeling safe is critical to a healthy society and mental health. Small steps can be used to help your child feel safe and secure and small things can make them feel unsafe, even in their own home. Read here for some parenting tips and considerations.
Read MoreChildren can come out with all sorts of negative comments, but tt is all about really listening to the child and picking up what is the real bottom line of the problem, especially the feelings. It's important to reflect on what a child has to say and really listen.
Read MoreIt is well known that success breeds success and the more a child feels capable and experiences success they quickly build their confidence which feeds into more success. A child’s daily experiences can help build confidence and encourage further achievement if they are more likely to try new things.
Read MoreA child is always on the go developing their sense of self-worth and building foundations that reassure them of their worthiness. They don't need to focus on others around them who are doing better or who perceive to be more successful. Read here for some suggestions to help you work with your child in offsetting unfortunate comparisons and how to build their self-esteem.
Read MoreNot completing things is a form of self sabotage where you may get bored easily and literally stop short of being successful. It can be very habit forming and a way of dealing with things that just seem too hard. Sound familiar? We are all guilty of it, but we can play a role in teaching children how to follow through and make decisions to commit and see something through.
Read MoreIt can be a fine line between pushing the child to read and gently setting the scene to help them. Reading is vital in a child’s development and learning. Here’s some tips to encourage reading at home.
Read MoreRead here for tips to help develop both sides of your child’s brain.
Read MoreRead here for 11 ways to help your child become settled and have the best opportunities at school.
Read MoreMany children have times when they feel they are struggling not just with school but also with friends, home issues, siblings, etc. Children can and do have down times. If your child is struggling, read here for some tips.
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